Informal Stamm @ Primitivo

tisdag 25 juni 2019 19:00, Primitivo, Oberer Letten

Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests,

As the weather is forecasted to be amazing next week, we will again go for an informal meeting outside. This time we will meet at Letten on the sun terrace deck of Primitivo.

We have a table for 10 persons reserved under Alexandra Heidemann.

Let’s enjoy a few cold drinks in the sunshine and even go swimming in the Limmat!

Please note that normally at Primitivo only cash payment is possible!

This informal meeting will have no agenda and no presence requirements. Just bring an open mind, to listen about everybodies stories and lets continue to strengthen the social bonds between our club members. 

Please use this event as another occasion for our "Bring one Friend" Campaign, we have been very successful so far :). 

We hope to see many of you there.

Best regards,
Costs: à la carte - CASH ONLY
Sign up unitl: Tuesday, 25. June 2019 18:00
Members and guests: [Doodle_link]
Please sign up with your full name, e.g. John Smith [Rotaract Club/ Guest]